Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No, no, no!

It's starting already! The stress! One fight (over money) and one "discussion" (over time) and this morning I'm up 5 lbs. I didn't binge or anything, but I honestly wonder if the stress just makes my body rebel. This morning I felt tired and bloated and grumpy.

I hate it!

I hate feeling discouraged. It is so hard to pysche myself up constantly. I just want it to be easy. I want it to be easy to be happy and to find time to exercise and to eat well. Ug!

Okay, okay. One day at a time. Today I will have soup and salad for lunch. An apple for a snack. Stir-fry for dinner. I will walk to go get Z this afternoon and do my exercise DVD at home. I have a list of things to get done at work that I want to finish, and once I'm home tonight and Z has gone to bed, I need to finish unpacking and clean up the spare room.

I'm not going to think about what the scale says, and I really am going to have M hide it from me today.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello Again!

I know I haven't posted in quite some time, but surprise,'s not because I was doing bad...I've been doing good!

You're surprised aren't you?

Things have been so busy, but I've been keeping on track. I had to go overseas to a meeting, and really thought that I would gain weight.

But I didn't! I lost! I broke the 240 plateau! I weighed in yesterday morning at 238 lbs!!!

Yes, yes, yes! Finally!!!

So what made the difference? I've been thinking about that and here's what I've concluded.

1. I exercised. Everyday while I was away. Some days even twice! I took advantage of the gym at the hotel and walked as much as I could.

2. I had time. It was very hard being away from Z. This was the first time I left him overnight. But, I had so much free time every evening. It made me realize that I need to make time for myself to exercise everyday.

3. I wasn't stressed out. Being so far away, I had to let go of all of the things that I try and control on a day-to-day basis. This will be the hardest thing for me to try and work on.

4. I ate well. I had treats. I had dessert. But I balanced it all with the exercise.

5. I didn't have a scale and so I couldn't weigh myself everyday. I am telling M to hide the scale tonight and won't weigh again until Sunday.

I'm feeling very motivated since I have finally gotten below 240. I am going to try to keep up my exercise and make sure I am not stressing out about things I can't or don't need to control.

Wish me luck!