Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It's been 5 months since my last post and a few things have changed...

the most significant being that I'm pregnant :) My posting ended about the same time I got pregnant. I'm due at the beginning of December so I'm 22 weeks along now. I know when I started this blog, the main idea was to help me lose weight before I got pregnant again, but my husband and I decided we were ready to have another baby, and we ended up getting pregnant the first month we started trying.

I am so happy to be pregnant. I've been feeling the baby move since about 2 months ago and it's the most wonderful feeling. So far, I have been healthy. I had some rough morning sickness and nausea in the first 3 months, but since my second trimester started, I've been feeling good. I've gained about 10 lbs so far. When I went for my second Dr's appointment, I was very upset about my weight gain. And then upset at myself for being upset! The goal of this pregnancy is to have a healthy baby and a safe delivery. The goal is not to lose weight! I keep having to remind myself to not stress out about my weight. I have been eating well. I've been craving fruits and veggies (especially broccoli and salads) and am trying my best not to overeat or indulge too much. All in all 10 lbs at 22 weeks is not bad at all.

I am starting to show, but only people that see me everyday can really tell I'm pregnant. The top of my belly is pushing out, but since the bottom "roll" was big to begin with, I don't have a nice round belly. With my first pregnancy, I really starting showing at about 6 months, and by 7 months there was no doubt I was pregnant. However, this time around, I started off at almost the same weight that I was at the end of my pregnancy the first time. So obviously, there's a lot of extra padding that has to be pushed around before people will be able to see the baby.

I am trying my best to stay away from people who made comments about how fat I was when I was pregnant with Z. They didn't make me feel good last time, so there's no reason to hang around with them now. I have been walking several times a week, which has helped a lot with the back pain and achiness of being pregnant.

I have another Dr's appointment next week, and I will hopefully have an ultrasound. We don't want to find out the sex of the baby, but I just want to be reassured that the baby is fine and growing.

I don't know if anyone really reads this blog. I guess it's more for me than anyone else. But if you are reading, thank you. It's nice to think that maybe someone is going through the same thing as me that I'm not alone in this.

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