Friday, August 28, 2009


I Need a New Scale

This morning I got on the scale for my weekly weigh-in and nearly threw it out the window. As I got on I just kept thinking "Please please, just go down a little bit". And it read 243 (I was thinking that would be good) 241.5. Stupid scale. Off and back on. Now it says, 245.5. Damnit. Off and back on and it says 246. Arrgh. So which number do I take. The lowest? An average? I hate this scale.

May as well go with the highest. 246lbs. Giving me a 1/2 lb. loss for the week. Woop-de-friggin-do. I'm not really upset about 246, because that's what I deserve for this past week. I only exercised twice (30 minute walks to work) and only ate within my calories (1200-1400) on one of those days. The other days weren't as bad as they could have been...1500-1600 mostly, with one lovely 2100.

I will not be discouraged.

My first goal is to reach 240 lbs. I know I can do it if I keep exercising and chill out on the cookies and bread.

My Baby

I love being a mom. Z is 15 months old now and such a sweet boy. He has his moments of course. Like the other day in the grocery store when he took a wack at anyone who got too close to the cart.

I guess it's every mama's destiny to feel like they are never doing enough. Managing work, and the house, and the husband with a demanding job, and parenting is hard work. In the beginning I felt that I couldn't manage any of them well. Now I feel that I'm doing much better. I try not to worry about doing everything at once, and instead spend time playing with Z. It of course makes a big difference that he is finally sleeping through the night now. He's still nursing, so he gets up when he's not feeling well, but the majority of the time now he sleeps from 7 pm until 6 am. It feels SO good to get a good night's sleep.

Z is a great exercise buddy. He thinks it's so funny to see me running or jumping around our living room and joins in. He loves going for walks in the stroller too. I need to remember when I am trying to get motivated to exercise that it's good for him too.

A Few Good Things

This week....

I drank 2 L of water everyday.
I was on time for work all week.
I walked to work twice (once with Z in the stroller and once carrying him in the sling).
I kept track of my calories everyday.
I ate fruit and veggies everyday.
I turned off the TV and went to bed early.
I managed to do laundry and the dishes all week, so going into this weekend the house is clean.

Marvelous, Marvelous Washing Machine

I love my washing machine. Love it. It's second hand and rusty on the bottom, but it WASHES OUR CLOTHES AUTOMATICALLY.

You're probably thinking, "Why is this chick getting so excited about a washing machine?". It's because I no longer have to wash by hand. For the 6 years I've been here, I've washed everything by hand. It was so time consuming, that every weekend I felt like all I did was wash.

And then my life changed.

Since last month I have had this magic machine that let's me throw everything in and walk away and do something else and when I come back it's clean. I love that!

Isn't technology great?

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