Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yesterday is the past...

How is it that that saying goes?

"Yesterday is the past, the future is a mystery, today is a gift that's why they call it the present." I've been trying to live in the present and it's going okay. Days 3-5 were a little iffy. Not much exercise except for swimming in the ocean on Valentine's Day. Cookies were involved each of the days and my body was feeling like a wreck. Stomach cramps, headaches, and the backyard blues if you know what I'm saying.

Day 6 was a bit better. I left yesterday to fly to another island and I'm doing okay.

2 pieces bread w/ peanut butter

1/2 Avocado
1 Mandarin
1 Sprite

1 small bag chips
chocolate bar

3 scrambled eggs w/sausage and onions
1 avocado
8 cherry tomatoes
Tortilla chips
1 chocolate bar

Exercise: 2 15-minute walks

Mood: Tired from the very long day. A little lonely missing M and Z. Happy about the work I accomplised and the conversations I had w/co-workers.

My goals for today are:

1. Lots of walking (it's easy to do here because I'm staying and town and everything is just close enough that you feel silly taking a taxi)

2. No junk food (chocolate and chips!)

3. Eat 5 fruits and veggies

That should be pretty easy to focus on so I don't feel overwhelmed. I am tired of having an upset stomach so I really need to stop eating so much junk.

1 comment:

  1. You would have outstanding development in your abdominal muscles and you would definitely have great muscular endurance.
