Monday, September 21, 2009

All Talk and No Action

So my goals for the weekend didn't go exactly as planned.....

I didn't walk and only did strength once. My shoulders and abs are even sore today.

I ate ok, but also finished off the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup minatures that a friend sent. (BUT, I didn't finish them all in one sitting, and gave away half the bag to people at work, which really is an accomplishment.)

I weighed in and I'm not sure what to tell you. The scale weighed me from 238 to 244. So frustrating. The new scale is no better and it's in kilograms which still confuse me. The number that came up the most was 240.5 so that's what I'm going with. Therefore a loss of 1 lb since last week. I am so close to being under 240 I can taste it!

This week my goals are to walk everyday to pick up Z and to pay more attention to my portion sizes. I am also going to try some new strength moves that I've gotten online to spice things up a bit.

I WILL be under 240 next week!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is your sister. You need to stop being so hard on yourself!!!!!!!!!! Yes, blogs are about your real feelings and sort of journaling. BUT REALLY! You're the best person I know. I'll say it again in case you rolled your eyes the first time. You're the best person I know!

    Now, the concept of losing weight is simple. The application is not. You haven't changed your application to fit your concept. First. You must calorie count. At least for the first month. That way you memorize how many calories you can eat in a day. Where you can go over, where you can't. You should be consuming 1200 calories per day in order to lose weight. You can't go under or over by more than 50. You must find a time of day that you can exercise. It must be scheduled and you must stick with it for an entire month. That means every day.

    You must decide if this is something willing to work for, if it is, than the benefit of each meal and each exercise will make you excited rather than upset at yourself.
    Seriously, you should be SMILING when you work out and when you sit down to eat a healthy meal.

    Finally, just so you know, I'm telling you this from experience. I've worked really hard this summer and have seen some great success that I never expected. I've been able to continue to lose weight this school year by keeping the calories down even though I'm not exercising as much.

