Monday, September 7, 2009

I actually lost!

I've decided to change my weigh-in day back to Sundays. That's what it was originally, but then I changed it to Friday, thinking that way I would have the weekend "free" and then still have 4 days to lose weight. Not such a smart idea really.

So Sunday morning I weighed-in and on my not-so-reliable scale an at 242 lbs. That's a 4 lb loss and so close to being under 240, which is my next goal. My other goals this week include following my exercise plan of walking 3 days and strength 3 days. Last week I did one day of walking and one day of strength.

My strength routine is a little silly. I don't have any DVD's or proper weights, so instead I use plastic bottles filled up with sand as weights, and do some exercises I got from some magazines a while back. I do crunches and crunch-variations, push ups (10 girl ones) and then I do my arms. Occasionally I'll do some squats, but my knee makes this really nasty sound, so I don't always do them. When I was at 185 lbs. my knees didn't hurt anymore and didn't make these sounds. I hope once I get back down to that weight, they will stop creaking.

I ate pretty well over the weekend. I did get a little desperate for something sweet, so I made some cookies out of oatmeal, cocoa, peanut butter, and brown sugar. They were ok, I put them in the fridge so they were kind of like fudge. We're broke of course, so I don't have much money to spend on food which is good. I've got $50 that needs to last me until next Monday, so we are going to be eating a lot of market vegetables this week.

Oh, and thank goodness, someone finished the Nutella so that I couldn't. I really just can't have crap food in the house. If it's there, I start thinking to myself, I should just finish it all now so that it will be gone and I won't be able to eat it anymore. I need to make sure if I buy treats, that there are only a few, and that someone is around to share with so that I can't later on binge on them.

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