Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Quite Sinking...

Yesterday was close though. Tuesday I did well: walked to pick up Z and ate 1300 calories. Yesterday, Z's Uncle brought him to work, so I didn't walk and for dinner I made burritos. I love burritos. I love Mexican food. LOVE IT. And so even though I had already eaten, when M came home at 10 pm I was kinda hungry.

I should have gone to bed.

But instead, I had another small burrito with him. Putting me at 2000 calories for the day.

The scale this morning said 245. Yikes. Yes weight fluctuates from day to day, but I do not want to see 245 again. So today, Friday and Saturday I am going to need to step it up a notch if I want to keep losing.

I read an email from the Jillian Michael's Website thing, and it said that only after 30 minutes of exercise does your body start dipping into the extra fat stores and burning the fat. I normally only exercise for 30 minutes, so I am trying to figure out how I can fit in an extra 15 minutes to burn away my fat. I could try to walk Z all the way to my mother-in-laws house in the morning, but that would mean leaving the house by 7 am. Leaving by 7:45 is already difficult sometimes, so it would take some planning. The other thing is that I don't have good walking shoes. I always wear flip flops, which often leave my feet pretty sore after a 30 minute walk. I have done some running/walking at home just in the living room. I feel kind of ridiculous doing it, and again it leaves my feet sore from running barefoot on the cement floor. I don't have any workout tapes, but I've put that on my Christmas wish list (can't find them here). I know their are websites you can download workouts from, but for some reason they won't download here.

Payday is next week so if we've got a bit left over, I will buy myself some new tennis shoes. I found some great Chacos online (flip flop style but with foot support and tread) that I would love but they're expensive. Oh, the other thing about the shoes, is that I feel like such a dork wearing tennis shoes with a skirt. I only have one pair of pants, but they are getting too big now, so I wear skirts everyday (most women here's considered culturally appropriate). I know, I'm being silly and vain. Who really cares about my footwear and fashion sense here?

I'm not trying to make excuses! I will figure out a way to exercise for longer periods and suffer through sore feet and blisters until I can buy some shoes.

Things I Wish For:

We have the basics here but there are some things that I really wish were available or cheaper...

whole wheat bread
whole wheat flour tortillas
corn tortillas
whole wheat flour
whole wheat pasta
brown rice
cheaper American fruit (Currently- apples, $1.50 for 1; Peaches, $7.50 lb; grapes- $8lb)
chicken breasts ($12 lb)
granola bars
yogurt (the good stuff $2.70 per container)

Don't get me wrong. I love all the local food and fruit, but sometimes you just want something from home and it's hard to make healthier versions of things when a lot of the healthier products aren't available or are really expensive. I do try and adjust things and make recipes with local ingredients, but what I wouldn't do for some of the conveniences of home:)

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